Come Home, Cowboy (A Clean, Fake Relationship Romance): Wyle Away Ranch Book 4 by Elsa Nickle & J.L. Hixon

Come Home, Cowboy (A Clean, Fake Relationship Romance): Wyle Away Ranch Book 4 by Elsa Nickle & J.L. Hixon

Author:Elsa Nickle & J.L. Hixon [Nickle, Elsa & Hixon, J.L.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-05-24T04:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nine

Piles of clothes covered every surface of Laurel’s bedroom, making her feel like she was stocking a thrift store. It was Thursday morning, which meant that Landon and Kitty’s wedding was in three days, and she had to prepare for her date with Ethan.

She’d opened every drawer and turned out most of the contents of her closet—she remembered wearing some of the shorts and sweaters in high school, so her wardrobe was in serious trouble. Laurel really couldn’t afford to buy new clothes. She was going to have to get creative with what she had. But what was a girl supposed to wear to her fake boyfriend’s brother’s wedding?

Fake boyfriend. Fake boyfriend. Ethan was her FAKE boyfriend.

This was Laurel’s new mantra, and she had to keep repeating it. Because she’d developed a very real crush on this cowboy. That horse ride with him the other day had almost set her insides on fire. It started off innocent enough. At first, she’d been focusing on how beautiful the horse was up close. Then when she mounted old Malt, she’d been scared out of her mind. But as soon as Ethan had gotten on the horse with her, she’d ping-ponged back and forth between feeling completely at ease and like she was bungee jumping off of a skyscraper. She knew she was physically safe the whole time, but her heart didn’t have that same guarantee.

Then when he took her to the studio and said how much he loved her art, she could barely keep herself from jumping on him and attaching herself like a barnacle. As far as she could see, Ethan Wyle was the perfect man. He had driven her around, bought her beignets, and somehow fixed her mom’s car and gotten it parked outside the studio before she was done with her painting session. Laurel needed to figure out how to crush her little crush, because it wasn’t healthy to develop feelings for someone who was lightyears better than her and who was going to move away in a handful of weeks.

But it wasn’t easy to stop thinking about him.

Anyone could see how good-looking he was, but that wasn’t the whole story. He was caring, compassionate, and he had believed in her immediately. Ethan barely knew her, but he’d never uttered one syllable of judgement about her dream of being an artist. At ASU, Laurel had a boyfriend for a while who seemed like a really good guy, but when she shared her art with him, his reaction had been a mixed bag. He said he loved her drawings and paintings, but he wasn’t sure how practical it was to pursue a career in art. Which was also what her group of accounting friends had said. Heck, it’s what her mother constantly said. The weight of their mass disbelief was enough to give a girl a complex. But Ethan made it seem like pursuing art was the only normal thing for Laurel to do. Her ability to make her career choice work wasn’t even a question to him.


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